Since 2014, we have been increasing our cooperation with Canadian companies in the health and wellness, agriculture, dairy sectors, and metal and mineral resource including the set up of joint ventures, investment in equity and project cooperation, conducting marketing and new product R&D activities, etc.
Our deals have led to win-win results with vendors and partners.
$200 million and growing…
Complete and on-going projects total exceeding $200 million Canadian dollars.
This number is anticipated to grow rapidly in the near future.
Most importantly, as corporate strategic owners, unlike other Chinese partners, Beijing Agriculture Group and Sanyuan understand and respect brands, industry peers, enterprise values and integrities. We make sure our Canadian partners get benefit through our cooperation, especially for them to achieve succeed in Chinese market in the long-term development.
We are the business leader in our industry and we have the best reputation for our products in China. We can make effort to provide a mature and low risk platform for Asian market in order to improve the profitability and increasing our corporation value together.

Guiding Principles
Respect each brand
Respect our members and investors
Dedicated to comply with our enterprise value and our partners’
High moral and ethical business practice standard
Committed to add value to our partners, especially long-term growth in the Chinese market
Our ultimate goals:
- Generate international sales in a pre-existing, mature, low-risk Asian market
- Improve partner companies’ profitability
- Jointly increase enterprise value
- Provide maximum return to investors and stockholders
Our advantages:
- Political support from Chinese government
- Funding support from oversea joint venture
- Established industry expertise
- Well connected with professional sectors, such as Fasken and PWC